What does International Passport Visa do?
International Passport Visa is a travel visa facilitation service. We assist the American travel industry, corporations and government, and individuals by facilitating the entire visa advice and visa issuance process. International Passport Visa minimizes the complexity and time delays associated with applying for and obtaining travel visas.
Does International Passport Visa facilitate visa issuance for all passport holders?
International Passport Visa handles U.S passports and multi nationals for visa advice and issuance. Holders of other passports can submit detailed visa requirement requests and International Passport Visa will respond within 24 hours per country request.
What is a visa?
A visa is temporary permission from a foreign country to enter that country. In most cases, visas can be sought for reasons of business, leisure, schooling or religious grounds, depending on the requirements of the particular country of travel. Each of these four reasons for travel has vastly different visa application requirements by country of travel.
What is a passport?
A passport is a travel document issued by the government of a traveler's native or adopted country as proof of citizenship.
Why do I need a visa for some countries and not others? How do I find out if I need a visa for a specific country?
Most visa requirements are based on treaties of trade and commerce, diplomatic or historical relations between nations. If you hold a passport from a country other than the U.S. please contact us. International Passport Visa will reply to your query within 24 hours for each country query.
What is the difference between 'single-entry' and 'multiple-entry' visas?
Depending on the reciprocal treaties governing visa issuance for each nationality, a visa may allow one entry before its expiration, or it may permit the traveler to enter at various times. A single-entry visa may only be used for one entry for the specific purpose for which it was granted. In general, the number of times that a multiple-entry visa may be used depends upon the expiration date of the visa, the nationality of the traveler, or restrictions placed on the total number of days permitted in a particular country during any year. You must be very clear in your application as to whether you require a single or multiple entry visa.
How many photographs do I need?
The number of photos required varies by consulate/embassy. Usually between 1 and 4.
How many forms do I need to fill out?
The number of forms required varies by consulate/embassy. Usually between 1 and 4.
Do I need to include an itinerary as part of my application?
In all cases an international flight itinerary is required.
Can I fax you my completed form?
No. Governments require an original signature on the completed visa form along with your passport before they can issue the visa.
I have heard that in some instances I need support documentation, what is that?
Many countries have different requirements in regard to support documentation. Some countries, such as Saudi Arabia require official support documentation. It must be prepared by the business you are visiting. This process is extremely strict and failure to comply could result in visa refusal and loss of very expensive fees.
How long do visas take to process?
Each consulate takes a different amount of time to process visas. Some can take as little as three days, whilst others can take four weeks or more.
Do I need to send you my actual passport?
Yes. Consulates and embassies require your actual passport to issue visas in all instances.
Can I get my visa upon arrival?
In limited instances yes, but we do not endorse this course of action. You run the risk of being refused boarding by the carrier. In the case of land border crossings it is generally not available as the officials there are not set up and trained to handle such situations.
If I am applying for more than one visa with you why aren't they done simultaneously?
Each visa is applied for one at a time because your passport is required at each embassy/consulate for visa issuance.
Do you guarantee visas to be done on time?
International Passport Visa makes every effort to ensure prompt completion of every visa. However, the actual granting of a visa is entirely up to the discretion of the appropriate embassy/consulate in all instances.
How long does my passport need to be valid?
Most countries require at least six months validity on your passport after you leave their country.
What will happen if I fill out an application form incorrectly or incompletely?
Embassies and consulates are extremely particular about the accuracy and integrity of the information you provide. An unintentional error or omission could permanently bar you from entering that country. Lengthy delays or even permanent refusal of the visa application is possible. If you are unsure of the requirements in answering a particular question, please contact International Passport Visa (see ‘contact us’ details).
How much do visas cost?
The actual cost of a visa varies by embassy/consulate.
Can International Passport Visa arrange working visas?
There are a number of countries that International Passport Visa can assist you with applications for working visas. These have varying requirements, so simply click on the 'destination option' on the homepage for specific instructions by country, or contact International Passport Visa (see ‘contact us’ details).
What happens if I delay my trip is my visa still valid?
This depends on the individual country. In many cases a visa is valid for 90 or 180 days from the date of issue. This gives you a flexible window of opportunity to enter that country. Some countries however have specific assigned dates for the visa, so it is important to give yourself enough time to change the visa if you have to. Expired visas cannot be updated or changed; new Visas will have to be applied for starting from the very beginning of the process.
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